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Perforated sheets not only for industrial
2016-11-03|Kategoria: Specjalizacje / Inne Usługi

Perforated sheets are mainly used in the industry, but today are also used in everyday life. We understand your needs. Especially for you we produce strong, durable and environmentally friendly perforated sheets. You can use it in your company or home. Our offer is directed to people connected with the industry, as well as those related to the construction and interior design and design rooms. Modern designers think that the use of elements such as perforated sheets can give aesthetic appeal of the interior as simple and minimalist. Not without reason perforated metal meets so on elevations of buildings or in utility rooms. Made by us, the elements are mainly solid, but in addition to this most important features of our perforated sheets are also aesthetically pleasing. This is important especially when these materials will form part of the facade of a modern office building or residential facility. We have all the necessary certificates required for the production of perforated sheets.

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